'Snap and Stick' Thoroughbred
Quickbuild subjects are a great way of attracting youngsters to the hobby, especially with such a colourful subject as a blue-nosed P-51D Mustang in D-Day markings.
Bring on the brush!
Painting can be one of the most rewarding aspects of a build, with the potential to transform a monotone model into a technicolour delight.
de Havilland DH.114
The return of Airfix’s 1/72 de Havilland DH.114 Heron Mk.II as a Vintage Classics offering inspired the selection of the British four-engined airliner for this month’s Archive Treasures.
Tank-Hunter treats
Armour subjects typically have many small fittings that are challenging to reproduce in styrene, so Eduard’s photo-etched accessories are a real boon for modellers.
Destroyer Discouragers
Future US President John F Kennedy’s patrol boat, PT-109, was unusual in that it mounted two depth charges on the forward deck.
Thousand Pounders
It’s a curious fact that, until recently, accurate modern British aircraft weapons were hard to source in any scale.
Viper 'Burner
Designed to fit Tamiya’s splendid F-16C kits, this neat three-piece resin update from Brengun supplies a replacement afterburner ring, exhaust pipe and nozzle.
Precision Strike
There are enough resin parts in L’Arsenal’s GBU-24/B set to build two complete weapons based on the Mk.84 2,000lb (907kg) bomb body.
Spad Cannon
Suitable for large-scale Spads by either Trumpeter or Zoukei-Mura, Master Model’s 13-piece turned metal package offers a choice of two different muzzle types for four wing cannon.