In the fourth part of our weathering series, Mike Wild and Jonathan Newton select a pair of classic diesels to give the new Heljan NBL prototype 10800 and a Bachmann Sulzer Type 2 a full weathered finish. Watch the trailer below and sign up as a Premium Subscriber to watch the full hour long feature video.
DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES are the subject of the fourth and final part of our 1960s weathering series. In the transition era, steam and diesel locomotives were often stabled alongside one another while in the early days fuelling would take place in small but dedicated facilities. As more and more diesels entered service, new depots were built with modern equipment.
Above: The Heljan NBL prototype 10800 and a Bachmann Class 24 are the subjects of our fourth feature in the weathering series. The finished models pauses on the GCR layout in the Workshop.
However, the railway was still filled with steam locomotives and the soot, ash, oil and grime which came with them would its way to the diesels as well. In this part of our series we have selected two BR green diesels to recreate an authentic period weathered finish - Heljan's model of