VENTRAL PUNCH: Airfix re-issues 1/72 Blenheim Mk.IVf Fighter

Here's a return for a popular small-scale kit from Airfix: the 1/72 Bristol Blenheim Mk.IVf, armed with a ventral gun pack. JOHN FULLER takes a closer look at what this re-issued offering has to offer.

Airfix 1/72 Bristol Blenheim Mk.IVf

Bristol Blenheim Mk.IVf
: Airfix Scale: 1/72 Item no: A04017 Price: £23.99 Web:

As was the case with the first of its re-tooled 1/72 Blenheim kits, Airfix has re-issued the second of its offerings – covering the Mk.IVf variant – without any changes to the parts or decals. This was first released alongside the Mk.I in 2014, with a fighter version of the early short-nosed variant following in 2016, a bomber Mk.IV in 2017 and a re-issue of the Mk.I in 2019. Airfix’s approach to reproducing these different sub-types was arguably innovative, with distinct forward fuselage components supplied depending on the required profile – however, it reminds me of vintage Matchbox offerings, which provided similar alternatives.

Airfix 1/72 Bristol Blenheim Mk.IVf

Above: Rivet queen no longer... Airfix's modern small-scale Blenheim features neatly engraved detail and a neat, if somewhat unusual parts breakdown.

As such, parts are held on seven styrene runners – transparencies are bagged separately and allow for just the long-nosed Mk.IV, despite the Mk.I unglazed fo…

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