Crécy’s lavish new book offers bags of aviation history and inspiration for modellers, as


Invariably, modellers almost always delve into the back stories and capabilities of the subjects they build… it’s part and parcel of the hobby. The weighty new hardback from Crécy Publishing, Britain’s Aircraft Industry – Triumphs and Tragedies since 1909, is a splendid study of flying machines manufactured in ‘Blighty’; it will not only educate on types you know, but will also pique interest in aircraft with which you may not be familiar. As you initially flick through the pages there are plenty of “…ooh, I’d really like to build that” moments.


Beginning with a look at Airco and its products, and closing by examining Westland and Leonardo 1915 to date, this lavishly illustrated work is penned by former FlyPast editor Ken Ellis. With his encyclopaedic knowledge of aviation, and solid research, the author is the perfect choice for an endeavour such as this.
British aviation is a wide and varied theme for modellers… the choice of subjects is huge and the book will certainly help you pick you way through the types and why you might wish to build them. A fine beginning is the chronology with major/int…

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