The Czech firm’s excellent ‘Spit’ parts are re-boxed again as a Weekend Edition kit, offering markings for four schemes… all with nose or fuselage artwork.
Eduard’s sublime 1/48 Spitfire Mk.V, first issued around two years ago, has appeared in Limited Edition and ProfiPACK boxings so far. Now though, adhering to the company’s usual policy, Eduard has released a Weekend Edition product offering a Spitfire Mk.Vb (mid), item number 84186, with decals for a quartet of machines in RAF camouflage shades – but flown by pilots of different Allied air arms.
Read about Eduard's 1/48 Bell P-400 re-release
There are alternative equipment fits relating to the gun sight, wing-tips (standard and clipped), oil cooler, exhausts and canopy. A choice of windscreen-mounted rear-view mirrors is also provided. All wear Ocean Grey and Dark Green over Medium Sea Grey, and have some form of nose/fuselage artwork applied (albeit relatively restrained), plus ‘kill’ tallies on two of the machines. They are:
• BM211/AE-J City of Winnipeg, Flt Lt John D Mitchner, 402 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Force, RAF Merston, West Sussex, UK, September-November 1943
• BL594/WX-G Smarkata, Wg Cdr Aleksandr K Gabszewicz, 2 Polish Wing, RAF Northolt, Greater London, UK, February-May 1943
• BL384/BP-N, Flt Lt John A A Gibson, 457 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force, RAF Andreas, Isle of Man, UK, December 1941
• BM309/AV-V, 2nd Lt Robert A Boock, 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, Debden, Essex, UK, February 1943
Besides the fact that the parts have excellent detail, it’s always pleasing to have subtle structural nuances catered for, plus extra colour schemes for choice. Those here are well considered, offering representation of overseas pilots and interesting artwork. It’s great value too, at just £16.78 direct from Eduard… but it’s also available in the UK via Hannants.