Farms make an ideal corner filler for a model railway. DAN EVASON uses new laser cut kits from War World Scenics to create a realistic scene for a ‘OO’ layout.
Above: The barn has been readied for this year’s harvest and the farmer’s Massey Ferguson is ready for action.
As soon as you leave any major city or town you will more than likely encounter a farm or a collection of farm outbuildings on your journey. The basis of this project is a new set of laser cut kits from War World Scenics for a closed barn and farmyard equipment. The barn is 210mm long and 125mm wide while the height to the top of the apex roof is 87mm. It models a typical closed barn with slatted sides, a corrugated roof an a blockwork base and as well as external detail the kit includes a full laser cut framework which means the interior looks just as good.
Assembly of the kit is generally straightforward with the only challenge being equal positioning of the main roof supports along the length of the building. All of the components overlay each other to create the finished look and it can then be sealed with grey primer before painting with modelling acrylics – Tamiya paints in the case of this project.
The base for this project is a small piece of plywood, bu…