With a long history of ‘OO’ gauge exhibition layout Barnhill Model Railway Club decided to look to a large scale for its latest project. EDDIE MICHEL reveals the story of this fascinating ‘O’ gauge exhibition layout set in Bristol around the time of nationalisation. Photography, Trevor Jones.
BACK IN 2010 as a group of modellers we were still very much into producing our ‘OO’ gauge railways and Kingsfield, our large ‘OO’ exhibition layout (HM30) was still very much on the exhibition circuit (and still is). We have been producing ‘OO’ gauge layouts since Barnhill MRC evolved in the early eighties and the only deviation was an ‘N’ gauge exhibition layout called Chipbury. However, a couple of members in the group had quite fancied the move up into the larger scales for some time, so we felt the time was now right to have a go.
As with all things you have to start somewhere and we thought if we were to do this, it would be best if we started building/collecting stock first before even entertaining building a layout. I am a keen Great Western Railway (GWR) follower and decided that I would like to build stock from the latter end of the GWR period and Phil,…