Mostly known for its decal range, Kits World has now jumped on the 3D accessories train. Its latest products are for three of the most popular aircraft ever…


A relatively new avenue for accessory manufacturers, 3D decals vary in quality and success of effect. These new items from Kits World look good on the backing sheet, and cater for hugely popular flying machines.

The first we look at here is F-4 Phantom British Martin-Baker Ejection Seat Set Belts/Straps/handles (KW3D148005 - £8.45). This 1/48 set provides the seat/back pads, harnesses, leg restraints, firing handles for the seat pan and face curtain, manual separation handle and two Remove Before Flight safety pin streamers for the M-B Mk.7 seat. The belts are reasonably well detailed, the colours are generally rich in tone and note that spare decals are included in case of mishap.

Staying with the ‘Rhino’, set KW3D148006 (£8.45) F-4 Phantom USAF/USN Martin-Baker Ejection Seat Set Belts/Straps/Handles, is simply the American equivalent in 1/48, with different harness colours, stencil-style printing on the seat pads. All the other accoutrements are present, but note that all this is for the Mk.7 seat and not suitable for the earlier Mk.5 seat used by F-4s.…

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