Sydenham station joins exclusive laser-cut collection

The laser-cut kit for Sydenham station featured in Pete Waterman’s Little Trains and Big Names with Status Quo lead singer Francis Rossi is the next kit to enter the Key Publishing laser-cut collection from PJM Models.

THE LBSCR built Sydenham station building is the latest addition to the Key Publishing exclusive laser-cut kit collection for ‘OO’ gauge produced by PJM Models. The first batch is in stock now.

Laser-cut parts are used throughout the building with MDF and plywood being used for the structure. Laser-cut glazing and roof tiles are also included.

Above: Laser-cut parts are used throughout the building with MDF and plywood being used for the structure. Laser-cut glazing and roof tiles are also included.

The kit was originally designed for Pete Waterman’s Little Trains and Big Names to become part of Status Quo lead singer Francis Rossi’s new ‘OO’ gauge model railway. The building featured in the Channel 4 series in autumn 2023 and has since been revised to include the canopy on the platform side.

Sydenham station was opened in 1839 by the London and Croydon Railway and is still operational today with Network Rail and served by London Overground, although the platform layout has since been revised and has a staggered arrangement.

Sydenham station is the latest addition to the Key Model World Shop exclusive kit collection created by PJM Models.

Above: Sydenham station is the latest addition to the Key Model World Shop exclusive kit collection created by PJM Models.

The new PJM Models laser-cut kit models the LBSCR-built station building as it was in 2023 with its platform canopy and features a full suite of laser-cut MDF and plywood parts together with laser-cut clear glazing for the windows. The overall dimensions of the station building and canopy are 354mm x 155mm. It is 98mm tall. Highlights include internal walls and doors, internal fireplace openings, a removable floor for access and detailed multi-layer construction.

The entrance hall canopy includes optional glazing panels for its roof.

Above: The entrance hall canopy includes optional glazing panels for its roof.

The kit can be built to allow the floor, roof and chimney stacks to be removable to allow full access to the interior.

Above: The kit can be built to allow the floor, roof and chimney stacks to be removable to allow full access to the interior.

In total there are 273 parts in the kit including triple layer walls to build up the structure, laser-cut glazing, laser-cut roof tiles (not shown on the test build in the images) and a new canopy. There are also options for a glazed or panelled roof on the small canopy on the road side of the station.

Construction requires a craft knife, cutting mat, tweezers and sanding board while builders can use either a rapid set superglue or dedicated laser-cut kit glues, Our preference is to use products from the Deluxe Materials range.

The road side of Sydenham station is fully detailed.

Above: The road side of Sydenham station is fully detailed.

The new kit will available now from the Key Model World Shop, priced at £75.99.

Visit the Key Model World Shop to add this new station building kit to your layout.