The former Hull and Barnsley Railway terminus at Cannon Street in Hull was the inspiration for the Hull Miniature Railway Society to build this enthralling 2mm finescale railway. PAUL DERRICK explains all. Photography, Jonathan Newton.
Lockwood Street is the latest project from the Hull Miniature Railway Society (Hull MRS) ‘N’ gauge group. It is an urban secondary terminus station, inspired by the former Hull and Barnsley Railway’s terminus at Cannon Street in Hull. The idea came from a wish to do something a bit different to any of our previous layouts and with Hull’s status as ‘City of Culture’ in 2017 in mind, a desire for it to be based on a local location.
Construction started in summer 2015 and the layout made its public debut at our mini show in June 2017 as a work in progress (operational but with much scenic work still to be done), then substantially complete for our main November show in 2018. Detail work has continued ever since.
Above: A busy scene at Lockwood Street as Robinson ‘O4’ 2-8-0 63601 approaches on a rake of empty coal wagons, while LMS Fairburn ‘4MT’ 2-6-4T 42267 departs with a local passenger train and a Gresley ‘J39’ simmers in the yard at the head of a loaded coal train.
The prototype Cannon Street st…