Locomotion reveals KOYLI exclusive

Locomotion Models has revealed that it has commissioned another exclusive ‘OO’ gauge Class 55 ‘Deltic’ finished as 55002 The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) from Accurascale.


Announced at the York Model Railway Exhibition over Easter, this latest addition to the National Collection in Miniature range is set to appear in BR blue condition.

Bearing the hallmarks of previous Accurascale Class 55 releases, the new model will feature a die-cast chassis, five-pole motor, twin flywheels, all wheel drive and pick-ups, 21-pin Digital Command Control (DCC) decoder socket and a wealth of timeframe specific detailing including 1E05 and 1S42 headcode roller blinds.

Prices are set at £169.99 DCC ready and £259.99 DCC sound-fitted (with factory-fitted twin sound speakers). Release is expected in 2024.

◘ Visit www.locomotionmodels.com for more information.