Rapido Trains LB&SCR ‘E1’ EP surfaces

Rapido Trains UK has revealed first Engineering Prototype (EP) samples of its London Brighton & South Coast Railway (LBSCR) ‘E1’ 0-6-0 for ‘OO’ gauge

The sample shows detailing being included on the model and detail variations including different smokeboxes, side tanks, safety valve casings, chimneys and more. 

The E1 sample showcases some of the detail differences between models.

The locomotive is planned to be released in a wide selection of liveries reflecting the prototypes’ varied careers. Planned liveries include LBSCR ‘improved engine green’, goods green, Marsh umber, Southern black and BR black with early crests. There will also be Isle of Wight locomotives with BR lined black exclusively on W4 and Hartley Main Colliery colours.

The E1 samples shows off lots of detailing.

Release is planned for 2024, although an exact date has not been announced.

◘ Visit www.rapidotrains.co.uk for more information.