Ukraine’s Reskit continues to produce aftermarket products despite the invasion. Here, CHRIS CLIFFORD examines five recent 1/72 stores sets.
Reskit’s 3D-printed upgrades can really boost your model’s refinement – the firm offers both bespoke improvements and those applicable to various kits. Weaponry/stores and their carriage is a speciality of Reskit, and here we highlight five different 1/72 sets that can be employed on the F-4 Phantom and other jets:
RSU72-0239 F-4 Phantom II Late 370 Gallon Fuel Tanks
Here’s a set of superbly detailed later-style outboard tanks with the straight body and curved front/rear sections (as opposed to earlier ‘constant curve’ McDonnell examples). They comprise nine parts each, have finely rendered longitudinal flanges and separate wing pylons, these latter pieces also possessing worthy portrayals of panel lines and the upper-rear cut-out. A small decal sheet carries the necessary stencils. Note that although dubbed ‘Royal Jet’ on the box, the maker of the real tanks was actually Sargent Fletcher. ($9.80)
RSU72-0240 F-4 Phantom II Early 600 Gallon Fuel Tank
If your Phantom build demands a centreline fuel tank, Reskit’s is ideal and beautifully detailed, right down to the se…