Schnell Fünf

José Pires goes into ‘Blitz’ mode with ICM’s new quarter-scale Ju 88A-5

Junkers’ Ju 88A-5 was a multi-role warplane that entered service towards the end of the Battle of Britain, participated heavily in the Blitz, and soldiered on with the Luftwaffe for the remainder of World War Two.

Curiously, the A-5 was developed before the A-4 model, and featured the A-1’s fuselage combined with extended wings and (eventually) several versions of the famous Jumo 211 powerplant.

Inside the box

This modelling experience started with a pleasant surprise, as ICM packed the 256 plastic parts inside a sturdy cardboard box, with a separate artwork-adorned covering sleeve…and ensured the contents were protected perfectly. Similarly, runners for the transparent components were bagged separately, along with the decal sheet, which provided four colour options.

Close examination of the contents, combined with referral to research documents, revealed several slight shortcomings.

Most notable was the inaccurate cockpit floor, which lacked a noticeable raised platform, and while there is an aftermarket replacement available, it was decided to make the most of the kit parts, coupled with Eduard photo-etched (PE) metal and scratch-b…

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