Garry Tobiss dips into Victorian science-fiction once again with Masterpiece Models’ glorious 1/12 Time Machine


Having already been spoilt with the Pegasus Captain Nemo Nautilus (see AMW June 2014), the chance to build another of HG Wells’ creations simply couldn’t be missed.

The author’s novella The Time Machine was first published in 1895 and is credited with establishing the concept of time travel firmly within the science-fiction genre. The story’s setting is Victorian England and it describes an intrepid inventor referred to as The Time Traveller’, who constructs a machine to travel through the ages. His adventure eventually takes him to the year 802,701 AD, where he meets the child-like Eloi and aggressive Morlocks.

The 1960 film ‘HG Wells The Time Machine’ starred Rod Taylor, Alan Young and Yvette Mimieux.

Initially, there were issues with the eponymous apparatus, as the author provided few clues in his book as to what it actually looked like. It was described initially (when located in the inventor’s laboratory) as having parts of nickel, ivory, rock crystal, brass rails and twisted crystalline bars, plus a ‘saddle’ but that’s about all. Later, it was learned the…

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