Installing Servo point motors on a model railway
The small size and controllability of servos makes them an attractive option for turnout control. NIGEL BURKIN experiments with a Heathcote Electronics dual servo motor board, turnouts and a hand full of servos.
Kilve - a Western Region branch line in 'OO'
A station that was could have been built in Somerset is the setting for Darren Berry’s ‘OO’ gauge exhibition layout.
ZIMO Digital sound for the Hornby HST
The scream of turbochargers epitomised the High Speed Trains when they entered service. PAUL CHETTER sets out to recreate the spectacle with digital sound in ‘OO’ gauge using the Hornby 8-pin chassis HST power cars as the basis.
Train formations: Class 43 High Speed Trains
If you think High Speed Trains are all alike, you might be surprised at the variety. MARK CHIVERS presents a series of formations covering their 40-year careers.
Flying Scotsman
Arguably the most famous steam locomotive in the world, Flying Scotsman has returned to the rails to huge public acclaim following a £4.5m overhaul. However, the prospects for this famous machine have not always been as rosy as they are today, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes.
VTEC HST marks NRM’s 40
In September 2015 Virgin Trains East Coast (VTEC) marked the National Railway Museum’s (NRM) 40. As a lasting reminder, this exclusive Hornby ‘OO’ gauge HST train pack was made for Locomotion Models.
Hornby K-Type Pullmans gain new numbers
Hornby’s ‘OO’ gauge all-steel K-Type Pullman cars (HM98) receive new identities for their latest release which includes Pullman Parlour Second No. 83, Pullman Brake Second No. 80 and Pullman Parlour First
Gloss finish for the nation’s ‘A3’
There is no doubt the main-line return of the National Railway Museum’s (NRM) Gresley ‘A3’ 60103 in 2016 was a highlight of the year.