Reality Check

Reality Check class profiles

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Brush Type 2 Variants

The distinctive Class 31s had a panoply of variants which cry out to be modelled - and some very obvious external differences. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES investigates.

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Class 50s go West

The distinctive Class 50s were perhaps at their best after being reallocated to the Western Region in the 1970s, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes.

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REALITY CHECK: Class 25 Variety

The numerous Class 25s have a rather confusing history, as within the 327 examples built there have been numerous sub-classes and individual variations, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES explains.

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Last knockings of the Class 101s

Although it is now 20 years since the last Class 101 DMUs were withdrawn, these units outlived many of their counterparts by a handsome margin. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES looks back at these successful trains and relates the story of their extended final years.

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GWR Steam Railmotor

Railways have always faced the problem of how to work their most lightly used routes cheaply. One solution that found much favour in Victorian times was the steam railmotor, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES explains.

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REALITY CHECK: Southern Railway CC1 ‘Booster’

To power goods trains on its electric network, the Southern Railway built one of the most innovative and unusual locomotive designs ever to appear on our railways. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES looks into the history of the Class 70, otherwise known as the ‘Booster’.

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Class 57s

While remanufacture of existing locomotives is common practice in other countries it is quite rare in the UK. The Class 57, however, is an exception, having been rebuilt from the Class 47 two decades ago. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES takes a look at this successful conversion and its subsequent service history.

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REALITY CHECK: The BR Standard '2MT' 2-6-0s

The old saying of ‘if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it’ is often used in railway circles and this saying was never more true than in the design of the ‘2MT’ 2-6-0s which, despite being a BR Standard design, were near identical copies of an earlier type, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES explains.

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Stanier's 'Turbomotive' design and development

Throughout the history of the railways experiments have aimed at improving the efficiency of the steam locomotive. One of these was Stanier’s ‘Turbomotive’, a bold initiative that used turbines instead of cylinders and valve gear for propulsion. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES looks at the history of this unusual locomotive.

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Reality Check: Terminus Operation

Throughout the railway age the terminus has been an important part of the operational scene, and one that has brought with it special requirements, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes.