Jen Wright adds extra detail and a dash of Caribbean style to a classic Soviet helicopter gunship

There are so many reasons for building a model, from enthusiasm for the subject to the need to build the latest wonder kit.

This project came about after AMW’s Editor and I both fell in love with a photo of a Cuban Air Force Mi-24V (Hind-E). Resplendent in four-tone camouflage, which was not just clean and glossy, but also strangely colourful–it was difficult to resist!

With Revell’s re-boxing of Zvezda’s excellent kit to hand, and having sourced decals from Aztec, the Editor then asked if extra detail could be applied to add extra spice…and project was born! Inside the typical end-opening Revell box was the same plastic as one would find in Zvezda’s offering, but with different decals and the former’s typical instruction booklet. As with its re-boxed Hasegawa kits, this is in fact cheaper to buy than Zvezda’s example and as such represents superb value. The 268 parts were moulded crisply, with no flash to speak of, and thin, distortion-free clear parts. Optional weapons fits were catered for with four B-8V20A unguided rocket pods, UPK-23- 250 cannon pods, auxiliary fuel tanks and 9M114 (AT-6

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