VIDEO: Building a Diesel Depot - PART ONE

Join us for the first part of our brand-new video series - Building a Diesel Depot - with special bonus behind the scenes images on Key Model World. Sign up with a Key Model World account, for free, for your opportunity to get more behind the scenes insight on the build. Part one launches at 8pm on Friday March 10 - watch the trailer now.

WELCOME to the first of our brand-new four-part video series following construction of Natford TMD. This new diesel depot layout has been assembled by the Hornby Magazine and Key Model World team to explain how we built the layout across both our digital video and magazine platforms - and you can read the first part of our magazine series from HM190 on Key Model World as well.

Building a diesel depot in OO gauge.

Above: A Class 37/4 in large logo blue ticks over at the depot entrance during testing of our new diesel depot layout.

The premise for this layout was to create a believable scene in 'OO' gauge in just 8ft x 2ft with the addition of a separate 3ft x 2ft baseboard for an off-scene storage area. Our initial plan was to focus entirely on off-the-shelf buildings for the layout, but came upon an opportunity to partner with PJM Models - a specialist in laser-cutting and 3D printing which works closely with

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