The arrival of Bachmann’s new ‘OO9’ Double Fairlie 0-4-4-0T put MIKE WILD’S modelling mind into overdrive resulting in a new project entering the works with a Ffestiniog theme.

WHAT HAPPENS when a brand new locomotive arrives that we weren’t expecting? Ideas spring to mind and new layout designs start swirling. And that’s exactly what happened the day that Bachmann’s all-new model of the Ffestiniog Railway Double Fairlie arrived in the Hornby Magazine office for review.

To be perfectly honest, a new layout plan wasn’t on the horizon at the beginning of November. Having just brought our Great Central Railway themed layout up to an exhibition ready standard (although far from finished) it was time for a break from layouts. However, we only have a simple out and back narrow gauge layout available and it is quite restricted in the scenes that it has to offer, so it didn’t take too long to send my planning mind into overdrive and come up with an idea following arrival of Earl of Merioneth.

The plan for this project is to create a simple layout which won’t take long to build. In terms of hours, I was thinking along the lines of three working days total to get the full layout assembled, running and the basic scenery laid out so that …

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