Development of the ‘Pacific’ steam locomotive

For enthusiasts and modellers one of the best-known types of steam locomotive is the ‘Pacific’, a design that once dominated express services in Britain and produced the fastest steam locomotives ever to run on our tracks. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES investigates how the 4-6-2 developed and why it was to prove so successful. 

THERE IS almost no one on the planet who has not heard of Flying Scotsman whilst many more are aware that a locomotive called Mallard holds the world speed record for steam. Each year thousands of people still travel on the main line behind such notable locomotives as Duchess of Sutherland, or Clan Line while one of the highlights of the National Railway Museum is the impressive streamlined Duchess of Hamilton. 

All these locomotives have one thing in common, and that is their wheel arrangement with each having a leading two-axle bogie followed by three driving axles and a single trailing axle under the cab. This is the 4-6-2 arrangement which is commonly referred to as a ‘Pacific’ and which is almost as famous as the railways themselves.

A4 Pacific No 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley climbs Holloway bank with a down express from Kings Cross in 1956.Photo:  Arthur Carpenter/Rail Archive Stephenson

Above: Gresley ‘A4’ class ‘Pacific’ 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley climbs Holloway bank with a down express from King’s Cross in 1956. Arthur Carpenter/Rail Archive Stephenson

‘Pacifics’ …

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