HM174 - Hornby Magazine December 2021
Welcome to the latest issue of Hornby Magazine - HM174, December 2021. Highlights of this issue include an exclusive feature on a stunning and huge model of Reading to Twyford in 'OO' gauge featuring 160ft of scenery, comprehensive reviews of gas turbine 18000 from Rails of Sheffield, Bachmann's new Class 47, Locomotion's 'Improved Precedent' 2-4-0 and new Accurascale wagons for 'OO' as well as Heljan's new 'O' gauge Class 47 and more. Read the full magazine in PDF format here and check out our latest video content in the Video Features section.
VIDEO: Return of the ‘Clan’
Join Mike Wild and Richard Watson as they look over Hornby's latest release, the BR 'Clan' 4-6-2 Standard 6MT.
Designed for speeds higher than ever envisaged by the Victorias, the Great Western Main Line from London Paddington to Bristol via Reading and Swindon has been continually updated since its construction. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES relates how this carefully engineered railway has gone from a broad gauge steam operated line to one which features state-of-the-art Hitachi Class 800 bi-mode trains.
Return of the ‘Clan’
Hornby’s BR ‘Clan’ 4-6-2 has been out of production for almost 10 years, but now it is back. MIKE WILD reviews one of two new arrivals for this autumn.
Digital Voyager
Bachmann’s ‘OO’ gauge models of the Class 220 and 221 Voyager units pre-date the inclusion of decoder interfaces, but with the right parts they can be upgraded to digital sound and lighting. MIKE WILD shows how.
The first gas turbine
Designers have been down many blind alleys in the pursuit of greater power, speed and efficiency. The Great Western Railway’s efforts to apply the gas turbine to rail were amongst them. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes the ups and downs of 18000, the first locomotive that resulted from this experiment.
The British gas turbine locomotives have proved popular subjects in recent years. MIKE WILD inspects Rails of Sheffield’s latest exclusive ‘OO’ gauge model of Swiss built 18000 – Britain’s first gas turbine railway locomotive.
VIDEO: Accurascale 21ton minerals
Accurascale's all-new BR 21ton mineral coal wagons have arrived. Join Mike Wild and Richard Watson as they put these new additions through their paces around the office test track layout Topley Dale.
Coil A steel wagons
Accurascale’s new 21ft 6in wagon chassis has been put to good use with the arrival of the first ready-to-run model of the Coil A steel wagons. MIKE WILD reviews this new release and explains what they are.
St Paddy - Cornwall in the 1990s in 'OO'
The Cornish china clay industry and holidays in the area were the inspiration for BRIAN TAMPLIN to build this multi-level ‘OO’ gauge layout. Photography, Trevor Jones.
Accurascale 21ton minerals
The latest coal wagons to arrive in Accurascale’s ‘Powering Britain’ collection are these richly detailed BR 21ton mineral wagons. MIKE WILD takes a closer look.