Flying Scotsman

Arguably the most famous steam locomotive in the world, Flying Scotsman has returned to the rails to huge public acclaim following a £4.5m overhaul. However, the prospects for this famous machine have not always been as rosy as they are today, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes.

There are few steam locomotives which have had such a colourful life as ‘A3’ 4-6-2 4472 Flying Scotsman. Its main line career was highlighted by record-breaking speeds and was cut short by the onset of modernisation so that in 1963, after 40 years and over two million miles of service it looked as though it would follow the other 76 ‘A3s’  to the breaker’s yard.

Businessman Alan Pegler stepped in to save Scotsman when he bought it from BR in 1963 and it became the first privately-preserved locomotive to be allowed to work on the main line, following which it was sent on a tour of the USA. Once back again in Britain more main line duties were undertaken before embarking on another remarkable tour, this time to Australia, returning in 1990. It then faced an uncertain future as the centrepiece of a business venture which went bankrupt before being placed on sale and then saved for the nation by the National Railway Museum.

A tortuous overhaul that has seen co…

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