Any modeller who’s taken the plunge with Revell’s new-tool SR-71A recce aircraft kit, and wants to embellish it, would do well to consider Eduard’s new detail sets.


The quality of Revell’s new 1/48 Blackbird kit is generally impressive and will make a fine replica, although the cockpit would benefit from aftermarket help. And realistically, due to the limitations of styrene moulding, any model can be improved here and there with the likes of photo-etched (PE) metal, resin etc if desired.

If you feel you’d like to raise the detail levels on your Revell SR-71, Eduard has released several new sets to add refinement inside and out, and help come painting time, and they are:


3DL48059 (£7.32 - top and above)
This spACE-series package mixes two media, in that it offers a fret of plain and pre-coloured PE items, such as ejection seat harnesses and firing handles, rudder pedals, throttle levers, map holders and canopy mirrors, along with details for the instrument panels. These are supported by 3D decals for the panels, with appreciably raised features, and gloss-varnished dials/screens. The dial detail is very good indeed.


FE1251 (£8.30)
If you are a died-in-the-wool fan of PE rather than the more modern 3D decals, Eduard offers a dedicated pre-coloured PE set with instrument panels, side consoles, rudder pedals and other embellishment for the ‘office’ in general. The panels are layered, too, for more convincing depth.


FE1252 (£4.92)
Here’s a very simple set that just offers extra detail for the seats, comprising harnesses and firing handles…

EX836 (£5.49)
…and last, but by no means least, this array of self-adhesive kabuki tape masks are a boon for covering the glazing and wheels before applying the black paint to the airframe/tyres.

All these sets are available direct from Eduard ( at the prices shown, although they are also available from Hannants in the UK (