Many modellers can’t help be inspired by Richard J Caruana’s illustrations… more of which can be viewed in volume 2 of Flying Colours.


If you’ve been in the hobby for several years, you’ll undoubtedly have come across the splendid colour profiles and plan views by Maltese artist Richard J Caruana. His work has prompted hundreds – even thousands – of kit-builders to tackle an aircraft in a particular scheme… often not previously considered. Varied examples of Caruana’s work were on show in the first instalment of the new series The Flying Colours of Richard J Caruana. If you enjoyed that volume, you’ll be pleased to know that Bookazine Collection: 2 is now available, offering just as an eclectic a mix of type artwork to savour and employ for reference. While a photograph of your chosen build subject is always desirable, many military aircraft colours are official shades, and the Flying Colours books are highly useful for appreciating these, and the patterns (where applicable) thus employed.


Volume 2 again provides huge variety, especially desirable if you’re a modeller who favours flying machines from across the ages. Here, the new book delves into the following types: Morane-Saulnier Type N, Nieuport Ni.28, the DH.88 Comet ra…

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