Genesis coach update

Genesis coach update


Hattons has amended the release dates for its forthcoming ‘OO’ gauge Hattons Originals Genesis carriages.

The revised schedule for the four and six-wheel carriages will see them arrive in three consignments during 2022, with Great Western Railway (GWR) and South Eastern & Chatham Railway (SECR) liveried models expected first, by the end of March. London Brighton & South Coast Railway (LBSCR), Great Northern Railway (GNR) and London & North Western Railway (LNWR) examples will follow by early June, while the London Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Southern Railway (SR) and departmental liveries are due into stock by the 11th July 2022.

The next batch of Genesis coaches are then expected to appear in 2023. These will include vehicles in Great Central Railway (GCR), Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway (L&YR), Midland Railway (MR), London & South Western Railway (LSWR), BR Crimson and National Coal Board (NCB) colour schemes.

Despite the delay, prices will be held at £30 for unlit carriages and £36 for illuminated vehicles. Four-coach packs are priced at £110 and £135 respectively.

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