IPMS: Kitmaker display for Model World LIVE

IPMS: Kitmaker are an online club formed from members of the kitmaker network, who being from many corners of the country wanted to get together to meet up and regularly display their work.

IPMS: Kitmaker display for Model World LIVE 2024.

We were the first official IPMS (International Plastic Modellers Association) online club and welcome members who may not have a local club but still want to be involved not just in the hobby but visit shows and exhibitions and display their work.

IPMS: Kitmaker display for Model World LIVE 2024.

We have modelers with varied interest from military vehicles and planes, automobiles to ships and sci-fi. We are a broad church who come together with the love of building models. So, if you’re visiting the show, come and find our stand and say hello - we'll be happy to talk about our latest projects.

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