The Italian company has launched three fresh paint sets for US Army armoured vehicles and troops, plus USAF aircraft.


Modellers with a penchant for Cold War subjects – be they ground-based or in the air – have useful new acrylic paint sets from LifeColor to consider. All aimed at post-war subjects, the six-bottle packs are as follows:

US Army 1950-1984 Vietnam & Korea Olive Drab (CS60, above)
This set is more versatile than you might think, as it caters for the US Marine Corps as well as US Army, via these shades – Olive Drab 3412 Faded, FS 24052 USMC Green, FS 34087 Olive Drab, FS 24087 Olive Drab Faded, FS 14084 Olive Drab Faded, FS 24533 APC Interior Green. The code for the first paint listed is missing a digit (US Federal Standard paint codes have five digits), but we suspect it should be FS 34128.


US Army Uniforms 1948-1980 Combat and Fatigue Clothing (CS61, above)
Her are another six tones, produced specifically for uniforms featuring different camouflage patterns. Dominant is the Engineer Research & Development Labaratories (ERDL) ‘leaf’ pattern in Highland and Lowland tones but others are represented… OG 107 Dark Variant, OG 107 Light Variant, ERDL Brown, ERDL Medium Green, ERDL Light Gre…

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