Newark air museum

WITH THE UK government announcing heritage sites can reopen from early July, the Newark Air Museum has moved several airframes in preparation for a new one-way route around the exhibits.

The rearrangements were already being planned pre-lockdown to make way for the arrival of the Imperial War Museum’s Eurofighter Typhoon DA4 (development aircraft 4) ZH590 from RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. A new hardstanding had been laid and four machines had been moved to outdoor positions.

Newark air museum

Subsequent manoeuvres began on June 24, although several airframes will remain outdoors until Wessex helicopter XV728 is moved to a new admission area. Canberra B2 (mod) WV787 is set to remain on the new hardstanding outside the museum café.

The museum opened for visitors on July 6. Unfortunately, no arrival date has been set for the ZH590. Check for updates at:

Newark air museum