Czech firm Brengun has filled a gap in the market with a modern tooling of Luftwaffe ‘eye in the sky’ – the Hs 126.


HENSCHEL’S Hs 126 reconnaissance and light attack aircraft is represented poorly in model form, with just four kits (all dating from the 1970s) – but Brengun’s newly tooled offering fills a notable absence.
This initial boxing (BRP72044) features the A-1 sub-variant and comprises five styrene runners, with decals for four Legion Condor machines during the Spanish Civil War.


Above: Brengun’s exterior detail relies on fine recessed panel lines, while the engine cowling is a three-piece sub-assembly to capture the bulged shape of the real item.

While the lack of locating pins betrays its limited-run nature, the detail is actually superb, from the integrally moulded sidewalls to the superb four-piece radial engine. Panels are represented as fine engraved lines on the exterior, and the control surfaces are supplied as individual items, which allows them to be posed.

Brengun’s exterior detail relies on fine recessed panel lines, while the engine cowling is a three-piece sub-assembly to capture the bulged shape of the real item.

Above:  The wings are supplied in halves, with separate flaps and ailerons; the slots in the lower section are for the main support and cabane struts.


Modellers seeking greater refinement will find the firm’s resin and photo-etched brass update (BRL72247) ideal, with replacements for the instrument panel and bomb, plus seatbelts and throttles. A B-variant is already planned (BRP72045), with markings for four Luftwaffe airframes. Visit: www.brengun.cz for more details.