‘N’ Gauge Heavy Metal Part One
Weathering in the smaller scales hasn’t always received the attention it deserves. TIM SHACKLETON tries different approaches as he weathers a selection of big freight locomotives in 2mm scale.
VIDEO: Hornby's Thompson ‘A2/2’ for 'OO'
Hornby's latest arrival for 'OO' gauge is the Thompson 'A2/2'. Join Mike Wild in the Hornby Magazine workshop as he demonstrates this new release and its functionality.
VIDEO: Bachmann Class 20/3 sound installation
Bachmann's latest generation Class 20 model features a Plux22 decoder socket and a factory fitted 15mm x 11mm speaker. In this sound installation guide Mike Wild shows how simple it is to install a ZIMO MX645P22 sound decoder with Digitrains ZS20ASL sound file and demonstrates the performance of the factory fitted speaker.
VIDEO: Weathering a Fowler '7F'
In this video weathering guide Mike Wild sets about giving Fowler '7F' 2-8-0 53808 a realistic weathered finishing using Lifecolor acrylic paints and an Iwata airbrush. Join him in the workshop here to watch the full process unfold.
VIDEO: Heljan GWR railcar for 'O'
Heljan's latest arrival for 'O' gauge is the GWR AEC railcar with 'Razor Edge' body styling. Join Mike Wild in the Hornby Magazine workshop as he demonstrates this new release and its functionality.
Newton Grove 19F
A visit to a friend’s ‘O’ gauge layout was all the inspiration JONATHAN NEWTON needed to switch scales and start a new collection. Newton Grove shed is the result – a compact portrayal of the final years of steam in the North West.
VIDEO: Heljan Class 17 for 'O' gauge
In the latest issue of Hornby Magazine we take a detailed look at Heljan's new Class 17 Bo-Bo diesel for 'O' gauge. Join Mike Wild in the workshop to see the model in action on our garden railway.
Roundtree Sidings
Summer 1985 is the setting for this super detailed ‘EM’ gauge exhibition layout built by the DEMU North East Area Group members. TREVOR SMITH reveals the detailed story behind this popular layout which features main line and Tyne and Wear Metro operations in 4mm scale.
Somerset & Dorset Celebration
The famous Somerset & Dorset Railway is a modeller’s dream with double-headed passenger workings, locomotives and rolling stock from across the regions and stunning scenery. MIKE WILD celebrates the S&D 55 years after its closure in March 1966 by recreating the journey from Bath to Bournemouth West in model form. Photography, Trevor Jones, Chris Nevard and Mike Wild.
S&D '7F' 2-8-0s
Throughout the history of the railways there have been many small classes of locomotive designed for specific tasks but, as EVAN GREEN-HUGHES describes, few have gained the popularity of the former Somerset and Dorset '7F' 2-8-0s.