With Airfix about to re-release its 1/24 Junkers Ju 87B Stuka, aftermarket specialist Airscale has been quick to produce a magnificent 3D-printed resin upgrade/update set that’s sure to impress.

This comprehensive 30-piece Ju 87 Stuka Parts Set (3D24 JUPS) is part of the firm’s recent airscalePRO range and includes the following items:

·         Pilot’s seat

·         Gunner’s seat

·         FuG VII radios (two)

·         Throttle quadrant

·         Trim unit

·         Pilot’s switch panel

·         Control column

·         Rudder pedals

·         Oxygen regulators (two)

·         Mainwheels and hubs

·         Tailwheel and hub

·         MG 15 machine gun

·         Fuselage mounted saddle-type ammunition drums (two)

·         Rack-mounted saddle-type ammunition drums (four each on two rails)

·         Revi 12C gunsight

·         Exhausts

Most of these exquisitely detailed 3D-printed resin parts are intended as replacements for the kit’s styrene parts – but several address notable omissions, such as the cockpit oxygen regulators and fuselage-mounted MG 15 ammunition drums. The quality is exceptional, as is the detail, with multi-piece sub-assemblies such as the pilot’s and gunner/radio operator’s seat replaced by a single 3D-printed part, com…

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