Black Cat Models’ new 3D-printed resin 1/350 floatplanes and flying boats offer serious refinement for maritime modellers.


Many ship-builders employ photo-etched brass and 3D-printed details on their warship models, but the items so far have mainly catered for structural nuances. However, many warships of World War Two carried floatplanes or flying boats for reconnaissance duties… yet those in styrene kits often fall wide of the mark detail-wise.

French firm Black Cat Models has come to the rescue, though, with its new 3D-printed resin replicas, most of which are available with wings folded or deployed where appropriate. The detail is hugely impressive, showing just what skilful design and 3D-printing can achieve. Our samples comprise the following:

AC350157a and 350157b Curtiss SC Seahawk unfolded and folded wings (above)
This US floatplane comes with wings folded or unfolded. Two seated aircrew figures come with the latter, plus as many in a standing position, and  four propellers (presumably in case of breakage… they are delicate). Just two seated figures come with the folded-wing option, plus two propellers. There is actual wing-fold detail along the ‘break’ points. Canopy and windscreen framing on b…

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