Colour for Bachmann Baguley DH88

Bachmann has received decorated samples of its forthcoming all-new ‘OO9’ narrow gauge Baguley-Drewery 70hp DH88s for evaluation by the company’s development team.


Built for use at Royal Naval Armaments Depots (RNAD), these diminutive 70 horsepower four-wheel diesel-hydraulic locomotives were amongst the last locomotives to be constructed at Baguley-Drewery’s premises in Burton-upon-Trent in the early 1980s.


Two models are planned for the initial Bachmann narrow gauge 'OO9' releases finished as DH8 88 in RNAD Dean Hill yellow (Cat No. 392-025) and an unnumbered example in as-preserved green (392-026). Both will feature a coreless motor, flywheel, all-wheel pick-ups, detailed and decorated cab interior and Next18 Digital Command Control decoder socket.


Prices are set at £109.95 each, while release is scheduled for early 2024.


◘ Visit Bachmann for more information.