Ukraine’s ICM has adapted its 1/35 Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.A tooling to offer the ‘251/18 Beobachtungspanzerwagen version, reviewed here by CHRIS CLIFFORD.


ICM’s journey with its new-tool 1/35 Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.A half-track family began in 2018, when the firm launched its ‘251/1 basic troop carrier. Five other boxings have been issued since then, adding figure sets and also representing the ‘251/6 command vehicle with overhead aerial frame, and the ‘251/8 ambulance variant.

Now the company extends the coverage with its latest product (35105), the Beobachtungspanzerwagen Sd.Kfz.251/18 Ausf.A. Seemingly, ICM is the first kit manufacturer to replicate this interesting sub-type, which was an observation/communications vehicle for artillery units. The trademark feature is the map/plotting table mounted on the upper-front hull, overhanging the driver vision ports. Also supplied is a full bank of radios (with antennas) in the passenger compartment. Notably, two optional map table layouts can be portrayed (covered and uncovered), which cater for fitting either an MG 34 machine gun with armoured shield behind the table, or an S.F14Z scissor scope rangefinder. Alternative parts for the latter mean you can portray the device with the upper stems …

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