Loughborough Midland – the 2000s in ‘OO’ gauge

The Midland Main Line in the early 2000s is the setting for this busy ‘OO’ gauge layout presented by Ivanhoe MRC.

Gauge: ‘OO’ | Period: 2000s | Region: Midland Main Line | Operating team: Ivanhoe MRC

Loughborough Midland models the 2000s on the Midland Main Line in 'OO' gauge.
Loughborough Midland models the 2000s on the Midland Main Line in 'OO' gauge. Richard Watson.

Having spent many years watching the trains go past his office overlooking Loughborough Midland station, Dave Tooley, who provided the inspiration for Loughborough Midland, along with his friends at the Ivanhoe Model Railway Society, constructed this ‘OO’ gauge layout to demonstrate the volume and variety of trains that pass this busy station on the Midland Main Line.

Most of the scenery is scratch built using primarily card construction, whilst the backscene was photographed and printed in a subdued tone, to emphasise the stations close proximity to the famous Brush Works in Loughborough.

The rolling stock, most of which has been weathered, originates from various manufacturers and is owned and operated by a number of the members of the society. As our clubroom is also located within sight of the Midland Main Line, our observations enable us to confirm that all prototypes running on the layout today have been witnessed traveling through Loughborough during the period being modelled. At this exhibition, the layout is portraying the colourful variety of the post sectorised era.

The close proximity to the Brush Works, Derby Technical Centre, the quarry at Mountsorrel and the test facilities at Old Dalby, ensures that we always have plenty of variety to entertain. This is also due to the use of a large fiddle yard at the rear of the layout.

If you have any further questions about Loughborough Midland, there will be noticeboards at each end of the layout or you can speak to the operators who will be happy to discuss the history behind the construction of this layout.