Key Model World’s editor at large lists his ten favourite modelling tools and explains why they're his must-have items.


During any modeller’s lifetime they will amass various tools to aid with different tasks. Some are seldom used, while others are staple items employed in almost every session. I’ve been building kits for almost 50 years. Like most modellers, when young we muddle along with basic tools, or at least I did - as it was way before the rise of photo-etched metal and resin details. As the years passed and my skill levels and confidence blossomed, I began to rely on a wider range of implements.

Here I list my own ‘top ten’ in no particular order, keeping in mind the various jobs I need to do in most build projects. Some of what I cover may seem basic or obvious to the experienced builder, but those just making their first forays into the hobby can take note and make purchases accordingly. However, ‘old hands’ could have their minds changes about certain items. Anyway, here we go…

Swann-Morton scalpels (top)
An absolute must for any modeller (apart from youngsters), the Swann-Morton scalpel is my, and many other modellers’ cutting implement of choice. T…

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