
Hornby Sentinel 0-6-0DH for OO gauge Review Premium

Hornby’s new Sentinel 0-6-0DH sails in

Despite only being announced in January, Hornby’s newly-tooled ‘OO’ gauge Sentinel 0-6-0DH has arrived with retailers. MARK CHIVERS casts a glance over this latest addition to the range.

WIN! A Hornby Sentinel 0-6-0DH for ‘OO’ gauge

Hornby Magazine is offering the chance to win one of Hornby’s newly-tooled ‘OO’ gauge industrial Sentinel 0-6-0DHs in our latest competition, worth £110. The closing date for entires is 5pm GMT on May 25 2022.

Hornby Sentinel sound demonstration Feature Premium

Hornby Sentinel Sound installation

PAUL CHETTER describes how to add an invisible sound installation to Hornby’s diminutive Sentinel industrial locomotive.

Review Premium

Hornby's Hitachi Sentinel for 'OO' gauge

Hornby’s Sentinel 0-4-0DH shunter is back in a unique livery modelling the Hitachi branded locomotive from Ashford. MIKE WILD explores this new arrival.

Super Sentinel samples

Hornby has shared images of its next batch of ‘OO' gauge Sentinel 0-4-0 diesel shunters, following receipt of decorated samples for checking over by the company's development team.