Rapido ‘Jones Goods’ gains colour

Rapido Trains has revealed decorated samples of its forthcoming Highland Railway ‘Jones Goods 4-6-0 for ‘OO’ gauge.

Built in 1894 for the Highland Railway, the 4-6-0s were the first significant fleet of that wheel arrangement in Britain. 15 were built and the last was withdrawn in 1940. First- built 103 was set aside for preservation by the LMS in 1934, and restored to working order by British Railways in 1959. Today it can be seen at the Glasgow Museum of Transport and is the only surviving locomotive from the Highland Railway.

Jones goods decorated samples have arrived.

The locomotives will feature a 21-pin Digital Command Control decoder socket, sprung buffers, NEM pockets, factory fitted speaker and more.

Tooling will cater for three types of smokebox, four types of chimney and other minor detail variations.

The Jones goods cab is no less detailed.

Seven liveries are planned including Highland Railway Jones Green (1890s condition), Highland Railway Drummond Green (1900s condition), London Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS) unlined black (early), LMS unlined black (late) LMS lined black,Highland Railway yellow (1960s condition) and fictional BR lined black.

The models are priced at £219.95 DCC ready and £319.95 DCC sound fitted.

◘ Visit www.rapidotrains.co.uk for more information.