Amusing Hobby will certainly please more adventurous Luftwaffe modellers with its new 1/48 Weserflug P.1003/1


It’s arguably understandable that the Weserflug P.1003/1 has not been kitted before, given its ‘paper-project’ status, but Amusing Hobby’s newly-tooled offering (48A002) looks great fun.

There are two styrene runners for the main structure and wings plus a single-piece canopy, and Amusing Hobby has captured the type’s ungainly appearance well, although references indicate the type was a two-seat design, while this kit features a single-place cockpit. It can be built in either take-off/landing or in-flight configuration, as the outer wing sections can be rotated through 90°.


Above: The fuselage halves capture the shape of reference drawings well, with the large mainwheel bay and prominent under-nose intake for the engine. The outer wing sections (upper left) are separate, allowing them to rotate.


Above: A single-piece wing centre section provides for a robust structure, and ensures the correct dihedral.

Cockpit detail is basic, with integrally moulded framework on the inner fuselage, plus a representative instrument panel and seat. Moving to the exterior, delicate panel and rivet detail is excellent and four notional fighter schemes are provided, including one for a Reich defence unit, despite there being no provision for weapons in the kit. Amusing Hobby kits are distributed in the UK by Albion Hobbies: www.albionhobbies.com


Above:  The cockpit is rather basic – as would be expected on a prototype vehicle – no decals are included, so modellers must either paint the dials or use aftermarket products.