Halland – a ‘OO’ branch terminus

This multi-length steam era layout is presented in its longest 17ft format for the 2022 Great Electric Train Show.

Gauge: ‘OO’ | Period: 1950s-1960s | Region: North West | Operating team: John Gay and friends

John Gay's Halland models a branchine terminus station in 'OO' gauge.
John Gay's Halland models a branchine terminus station in 'OO' gauge. Richard Watson.

Halland is 4mm ‘OO’ gauge layout with a footprint of 13ft or 17ft x 1ft 6in with 8ft/12ft being used by scenery and the remaining 5ft used as a storage yard, the layout is currently operated from both the front and back.

The layout is freestanding on its own legs and comes with its own lighting which is a very light weight design and uses 24volt SMD light strip which is proving to be very popular with public and exhibitors that see it. 

The layout is controlled with full DCC via iPods and iPads with turnouts and signals all working from them. All the locomotives used on the layout run DCC Sound and we normally present 1960s late steam and early diesel period rolling stock. The layout is set in the Northern regions, it’s a classic example of main stream modelling using trackwork from Peco range.