Rumbling Bridge – a Scottish through station

NICK SKELTON has long been fascinated by Scotland’s railway byways and chose one of the lesser known locations on the network as the subject of his fascinating ‘OO’ gauge model. Photography, Mike Wild.

THE IDEA for this layout came after reading Ian Futers’ excellent book Modelling Scottish Railways.. The trackplan was simple, and the project achievable in a reasonable timescale, and I thought it would be just a little different to previous projects.

Peppercorn ‘K1’ 2-6-0 62005 rolls into Rumbling Bridge with a short passenger working. The signals are fully working with servo motors.

Above: Peppercorn ‘K1’ 2-6-0 62005 rolls into Rumbling Bridge with a short passenger working. The signals are fully working with servo motors.

The station had staggered platforms, an interesting signal cabin and bridges conveniently placed to take trains off scene. From the start it would use Digital Command Control (DCC) using my existing Lenz equipment, with as many locomotives fitted with sound as possible.

Rumbling Bridge was on the Devon Valley Railway, which linked Alloa and Kinross in Central Scotland, the line following the meandering River Devon. The line took 20 years to construct, the first section opening in 1851, and finally fully opening in 1871. Three railways were involved in construction, which encountered many engineering and financial problems.

The line, when full…

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